My team is in the process of securing early-stage capital for a new firm that will be part of a higher educational incubator. This knowledge and process enterprise will be targeting distressed industries such as financial services and end-to-end mortgage management.
As background, we have created a detailed business plan, done the research, carved out a niche, created the financials, engaging potential prospects, prepared presentation and marketing materials, and we are actively building an experienced management and delivery team. The corporate offerings are best characterized as global sourcing or knowledge process outsourcing (KPO) in an effort to revitalize and retrain domestic workforces.
We would greatly welcome everyone’s advice on investment groups, angel networks, and other sources of funding that could benefit our effort. We are based in the American Midwest.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
Mark Dangelo
Strategist, Consultant, Outsourcing Advisor
Some of this is really going to depend on the amount of capital that you’re looking for.
My advice would be to work your own network first. Speak with your accountant, lawyer, bank manager, chamber of commerce, etc. and make sure that they all know what your doing and that you need capital. Your best promotors are going to be the people that you already have a business relationship with.
Once you have your network working for you, then start the cold calls. A good starting point would be your local SBA (Small Business Administration). They’ll have access to ACE-Net (a pay-to-play matching service run by the SBA.). They should also be aware of investors and groups in your area. Though, I’ve found that some SBAs are excellent while others are clueless. Your mileage will vary.
You can also try the angel directory that Inc. Magazine maintains: or the more comprehensive one maintained by the Angel Capital Association -
Good luck!